Carnations & their beauty benefits ✨💕

Carnation’s botanical name, Dianthus caryophyllus, translates to “flower of the gods,” and when you smell this sweet flower, you’ll understand why, for its sweet and gentle scent can transport you to a realm of happiness and love.. it also does wonders for the skin. It gently cleanses, washing away dirt and impurities, while softening, moisturizing, and healing the skin from redness and irritation.. If you have sensitive, dry, or combination skin, I would highly recommend giving this lovely flower a chance to work its magic on your skin, and in your life..

Carnation skincare benefits:

  • Gently cleanses the skin of dirt and impurities: Carnations are abundant in saponins, a chemical in plants (a glycoside) which is used to make soap. You can extract these saponins from carnations by gently simmering their leaves in water, and using the water to cleanse your skin.
  • Soothes and nourishes, calms red or inflamed skin thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties
  • Skin Type: Dry, Sensitive, Combination

How to use Carnations in your skincare routine:

  • Create your very own carnation oil by adding dried flower buds with your favorite carrier oil (I recommend avocado, sunflower, or grapeseed. Let this oil sit for 3-6 weeks before adding to a cleansing oil, moisturizer, or simply by itself on your skin to bring more bliss into your life.)
  • Steep some flower petals in hot water for an hour or two (place in the sun or moonlight for added magic..) strain, and then cleanse your skin with this lovely elixir

I love combining roses, vanilla, frankincense, or geranium along with carnations.. they add even more sweetness and love, boosting the carnations own magic!

You are pure love and your radiance enchants the world.. you are a flower of the gods, you are everything beautiful. Smile and revel in as much happiness as you can today. What makes you smile? Today, make your smile your main focus and let your happiness lead the way to bliss, into your wonderland.

What makes you smile?

We’re here to have fun, not to be serious and overthink. Free yourself, loosen up, and have a little fun!

Thank you for reading, my lovelies! I hope you have an absolutely blissful day today. I’ll be posting more carnation recipes on the blog soon, so stay tuned for that. In the meantime, let me know your favorite way to work with this sweet and powerful playful flower! Sending you lots of magic & lots of love..

Holly Jolly Peppermint! (Into The Fairy Garden ..)

Ho, ho, ho my little magic makers!! It’s been a little while, but I am back with the next “episode” of Into The Fairy Garden! This week we’ll be exploring the loving land of Peppermint… 💚

The magic of Peppermint swirls through the air in a cooling, refreshing gust of wind; reminding you that this verdant, ambiguous, minty magic is sending an abundance of love to you now— for Peppermint is known to attract love, and what a beautiful, harmonious love it is!

Simultaneously the powers within this herb calm the mind, ease the spirit, and replace any and all fears with a sense of joy, peace, satisfaction, and contentment… Mystical Magic, indeed! So, there is no need to fret about the love you are seeking— for it is seeking you too, and this merry mint is exponentially flowing love, love, love to you now!

It’s no wonder Peppermint is associated with the holiday season as it repels negativity & ensures your house is protected and only allows joyful energy — it is a holly jolly herb!!!

And who doesn’t love a holly jolly herb?? I mean, seriously?!

The Magical Powers of Peppermint:

  • Promotes healing
  • Helps overcome fears & unconscious fears
  • Induces a restful night sleep
  • Attracts an abundance of love
  • Increases success
  • Boosts joy & happiness
  • Encourages prosperity

Skincare Benefits:

  • Best for oily skin as it balances the pH levels on our skin, and harmonizes oil production within the sebaceous glands.
  • Antiseptic, Anti-bacterial, and anti fungal (again, making it perfect for acne/oily skin)
  • Soothing/Cooling
  • Anti inflammatory (reduces redness & irritations caused by breakouts)
  • Repels insects!

Magical ways to add the magic of Peppermint into your life, and boost the powers of love:

  • Add some dried peppermint leaves into a sachet for an extra love attractor (place a few rose petals & a vanilla bean for an added bonus!) Affirm: “Wherever I go, I find love. An abundance of love is constantly flowing to me.”
  • Place this sachet under your pillow to help promote a deep, relaxing, and restful sleep, and you may be pleasantly surprised by dreaming of your soulmate too!
  • For an increase of prosperity, place this sachet in your purse or wallet, as peppermint is also known to encourage an overflow of money!
  • Keep this sachet in your home for protection & to banish any and all negativity, and to repel fear.

The magic merry mint has just blessed you as you sniff it’s green, lush leaves deep within the Fairy Garden. Now, it is time to skip, dance, and frolic through the adventure of your life as you anticipate the love which is eagerly awaiting to sparkle and come to life right before your eyes! The time has come and you are ready to fly with the fairies & sing with the flowers! 💚❤️

❤️💚Throughout your day today, pay attention to the conspicuous signs and serendipities as the Universe begins to show you that the love you have been manifesting is being delivered.

💚❤️ Pay attention to all the magical moments of love you are being showered with today, and trust that the love you are wishing for, has wished for you as their most favorite wish. Relax and receive because the magic of Peppermint has already blessed you, it’s only a matter of time!

Can you feel the magic of Peppermint upon you now? For love is overflowing from The Fairy Garden and lighting you with love, love, love!

Thank you for joining me Into The Fairy Garden!!! Have a magical week & please let me know your favorite way to use Peppermint! 💚

Shine bright & sparkle on! ❤️💚🎄🎅🏻

The Magic of the Rose 🌹

Tale as old as time 🌹
Song as old as rhyme
Beauty and the beast 💋

Beauty & The Beast

Hi beauties, I hope you’re having a lovely three day weekend! Have you been doing anything fun?

I’m currently working with roses (Rosa) in my skincare routine and I wanted to share with you the magical properties of this powerful and loving flower..

The Rose attracts love and helps us see the beauty that we are, while simultaneously bringing harmony into our lives. ❤️

Rose’s Magical Properties:

  • Love
  • Harmony
  • Happiness
  • Beauty
  • Tranquility
  • Protection

Rose’s Magical Skincare Properties:

  • Antioxidant (which helps strengthen skin cells.)
  • Hydrating & Moisturizing
  • Smooths Lines
  • Anti-Inflammatory (helps rashes, redness, or irritations.)
  • Balances Oil Production (Amazing for acne or oily prone skin, as it clarifies, cleanses, and restores the skin’s natural PH balance.)
  • Has Vitamin A & Vitamin C

So you can see when you use this in your skincare products you get a double boost of magic, because Roses also hydrate dry skin and combat acne by balancing and harmonizing oil production!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE creating Rose products!!

Without further ado, here’s one of my favorite DIY masks, and please let me know how you like it. I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Banana Rose Glow Mask:

  • 1 Banana (Banana’s hydrate, smooth fine lines, and calm the skin. It’s magic increases prosperity & abundance for an added bonus!)
  • 1/4 Cup Dried Rose Petals
  • 2 Tbls Oatmeal (moisturizing, soothing, & exfoliating. Also brings the magic of abundance.)
  • 2 tsp Rose Water (you can also add a few drops of Rose essential oil, or some Rosehip oil.)

Add all of your ingredients into a blender until it’s the perfect consistency of a creamy golden mask!
Repeat this affirmation as you apply your loving mask:

🌹I am in harmony with love and I am grateful for the abundance of blessings I am receiving now… Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.” 🌹

Relish in the magic of the flowers, the mask, and your beautiful self!

It is said when a Rose bush in planted in the garden this beautiful flower attracts fairies! 🧚🏻‍♀️

How magical, indeed!!

Shine on & Sparkle Bright 💖

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